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February 07, 2007


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Great interview PD. That's a lot of humility and maturity for a 26 year old, let alone one that gets as much media hounding as she does.


Good interview. I think it will be good to have Sarah back. Sounds like she has a good perspective on life. Plus, she's a heck of a lot better role model for my kid than the other IRL woman.


I am really glad Sarah is going to be driving at the top of some series this year. I had my fingers crossed for something in NASCAR -- but IRL will do for now. Welcome Back Sarah!



If I remember correctly, then this must have been the dream interview for you. Congrats!

Sorry, You prolly need some alone time now...


Jeff Reeb

"Smiling at everyone who makes eye contact -- priceless." I can attest to that. A few years ago I attended the 500 parade and the Corvette that Sarah was riding in stopped right in front of me. When Sarah saw me wearing my Sarah Fisher hat and t-shirt she gave a big smile, that important eye contact, and two big thumbs up! That day she made a fan for life. I'm still kicking myself for not asking Sarah to autograph my hat! Good luck, Sarah, it is just fabulous to have you back in IRL.

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