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September 26, 2007


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Jahuti Rhys

Our Sarah has *something* up her sleeve. In her latest ESPN blog, she mentions getting back to work on "the 2008 Indycar program".
Will we see KatFish Racing?
Stay tuned....


Completely off topic in realtion to the post, but since TCG, AGR, and Penske are going to Iowa to doing some testings, are we going to be getting exclusives from you??

ICS fan

Also off topic, but I have to admit that I have visited a few Dancing with the Stars message boards (the best is on recently. After seeing such insightful questions as "why do they call Helio spiderman? and "Why does he drink milk after a race?" I would like to suggest a DWTS guide to Helio and ICS. If you post it, we will link to it!


I'm angling to get over to Newton for the testing, sure. We'll see how successful I am at getting back stage. A DWTS guide to Helio and the ICS. Hmmmmmm. Let me ponder it. Check back.


I still think she's going to land at Foyt. He is willing to run a 2nd car if he could find sponsors, and she has a few in Tow wherever she goes.

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