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October 03, 2007


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Your best work yet!



It took me a minute to realize that this wasn't an actual press release from Champ Car's Three Amigos, as it sounds about as good as any idea they've come up with lately. Is there a corresponding "Reverse Fee" program for promoters as well? That's the plan where the licensing fees charged to track owners and promoters would be lower for Champ Car races that actually happen instead of being announced and cancelled before they happen.

Tony George

This plan will never work. For all interested ride-buyers, please see me, Tony George. Our new welfare program will certainly benefit you as it will certainly help our ride buyers, such as Scott Sharp, Panasonic boy, and of course, my personal favorite, "Special" Ed Carpenter! Please contact me if interested.

john clerk

i love you for this post. --lol--


Champcarfanatics need a hug.


Take it easy there, "Tony." We all know ride buying is epidemic in both leagues. Remain calm.

Harvey Pelovsky

This is SO timely. No wonder all the good drivers are leaving for the IRL or NASCAR or Grand AM or ANYONE that will even PAY them for their skills.
Champ Car is for all intents and purposes, done. Will the last one to leave CC please turn out the lights, this is getting embarrasing!

Mark in Bowmanville

Dog...I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Why? It is likely closer to the truth than some deluded Champ Car fans want to realize....

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