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April 02, 2008


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Whoa, great interview PD! And great answers from Marco as well. Nice job at getting me "geeked" for St. Pete.



Get Marco to "Show The Love" for your site by having AGR plaster a "Pressdog.Com" decal on the #26 car, preferably visible via on-board camera view.

Hoax or not, thanks for not asking about going to the N-word Cell Phone Series.

John in Speedway

Awesome interview! As I mentioned on mynameisjohn, the marketing efforts worked too. I'm gonna buy me a pair of gators if I can afford them (haven't checked the price yet). Props to you P-Diddy! (ok, I know you didn't like that, so I'll never call you that again)


Thanks, peeps. Bring at least a C-note to the Gatorz shop. Marco seems like a fun guy.


Wow, nice interview with Marco. He's become much more, how shall I say it, well-spoken since I interviewed him in June of 2006. Fewer "definitely"'s and "ya know"'s. But he's a good guy, certainly hope he gets a win this year. Again, nice post. Enjoy hearing news about the 26.


Nice answers from Marco. I'm a big fan. He's so handsome.

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