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« Your Motegi-Long Beach Viewing Guide | Main | Jamie Little WINS Toyota Long Beach Celebrity Race! »

April 17, 2008


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Mike Rice

You are so funny, p-dog. One beer into 'relax-mode', and this just made me laugh out loud. There may be a major delay in the total homologizing of open wheel racing as Bernie figures out what the hell to do with Max...


I'm a huge fan of "relax mode" and glad to add a chortle to yours.


That was absolutely hilarious.


I was in dire need of a chortle tonight, thanks!


"Quoting ultra-reliable online sources, the skeptics say the entire Motegi race is a theatrical production, filmed months in advance."

C'mon 'Dog! You and I know that's a lie. If it was scripted The Princess would have won a race at Motegi by now. :^)

Although I may have given away the plot to this year's production. =:^o

Will Sapporo be your "Pressdog Viewing Beer of Choice" for Motegi? Or will you go with sake?


Well I guess if the Sparkle Pony one wins, we'll all know that Pressdog and Jeff are not in on the conspiracy. Hmmm....or maybe they are blogging from an undisclosed location in the Bahamas.....

Nancy how was Bimini?

Mike Rice

So what are we to believe now that she actually DID win? My paradigm is rattled for good now...


I'm not saying nothing about nothing ...

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