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June 03, 2008


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Glad to see you notice Kanaan getting a podium. He was coming up on the leaders hot and heavy. He went from 11 seconds down with 13 laps to go to just under 4 seconds down with 3 to go. It was not undoable. He was also 7 seconds down with 6 to go. If either Briscoe or Dixon did something stupid it would have been interesting...

Too bad it didn't finish green, but it was a hell of a race to watch, even on TV this time. I still wish there weren't so many cut away scenes from the action as they transition to and from "commercial" and commercial. Showing practice footage and footage of Danica during actual race action is beyond asinine. Show that crap during yellow if you want to show it.

But overall, a much improved performance from the guys calling the race. Congrats to Briscoe for not DNFing it somehow...

My Name Is IRL

The best part of this race is that unlike most in-person pressdog recaps nearly everything you mentioned was actually ON THE AIR. Guys like Servia and Viso were going like gangbusters and Marty and Scott were discussing them. Shocking!

Must have been the beer and brats easing the ESPN folks into some sensibility.


Yeah, I usually type up my notes from the broadcast and then go back through and add stuff from my trackside notebook. This time there was very little I had that they didn't have. TV didnt' see the tasty, balls-of-steel pass that Kanaan made on Wheldon to get the bronze, in car-eating turn two no less, but that was about it. I been tough on the ABC peeps before, but I honestly thought this was one of their best races in a while.

Chris B.

Great Recap. Matched what I watched. Especially agree with your assessment of Goodyear feeling the heat, especially in so much the moment that he started to say "you were just a passenger" he kind of hesitated like he did not want to say it but could not stop himself or he realized he was saying it at the last second and wanted to censor himself because he or ABC/ESPN has made him fully aware of all his monotone never changing comments... yes he did do better over the course of this race. Do you feel like Brie got less airtime, almost like they are pulling her back a bit to make sure she has quality throw-ins/updates and is prepared?


"I introduced myself and gave Charles my card over the weekend. He didn't taser me, so I felt it was a successful meeting."

Best line of the post (yes, beating out the "Laverne & Shirley" reference).

Heard anything about the ratings? It was head-to-head with the N-word race at Dover, it would be interesting to see how they did.

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