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June 02, 2008


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Nice photos pressdog. At least you got a good shot of Emma Ice as well as a great shot of Brie. Well done dog.


Could share your procedure for getting out of the Sheboygan Brat Haus once inside? Do you have an mp3 of a race engine or a special picture to motivate you toward the door...? Nice pics dog.


nice pics! Those "garages" are also known as "paddocks" to those of us from the other side of the open wheel fence ;-)

Oh, and when did Snotty Goodyear turn into Roy Orbison???

My Name Is IRL

Looks like you had an entire photo session with Cyndie Allemann. Not that there's anything wrong with that.


Pretty sure Cyndie is a fan. I could kind of tell by the way she didn't call Security Chief Charles on me. Hope Leilani doesn't get jealous.

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