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July 03, 2008


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Wasn't Dario the second Scot to win the '500 - what about Jim Clark? Ain't this guy ever heard of him?


doubtful .. the guy is like 23 years old.


He might have heard of Jim Clark, his is much more of a well known name than Franchitti's although I give you it is fading a bit with time. He 100% will have heard of Jackie Stewart. Shame Coulthard announced his retirement this week.

You see that little blue and yellow inset box at the bottom of the map? With the little sticky out bit of land just above it? Just to the left of that land, before the county border line, that's where I'm typing this message from.

Keep meaning to comment on more IRL - sorry Tony, IndyCar - posts but I'm running a bit behind on watching the races whereas I see F1 live.
Looking forward to Watkins and Silverstone, where it'll be raining.


Cool. Greetings from the colonies! I may go watch Nicki play soccer --- er, football -- tonight, as a matter of fact.


Have fun - I can't stand the game!
Does he spell his name that way? That's the girls' spelling... Hmm, he's from Motherwell so that makes him a Weegie (Glaswegian) so it might be better not to mention it to him if you value your face! (joking! I'm sure he's a nice guy really, most Scots are)|Motherwell

Dale Nixon

Go back and ask him if he thinks the character of Fat Bastard is racially and ethnically insensitive...

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