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August 08, 2008


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Mike Rice

Gotta say, I appreciate loyalty. In this case, it may be misplaced. I seriously doubt, as evidenced by the Indy, the Texas, and finally the Edmonton nonsense...and throw in what happened at Sears Point last year with Dario...that the loyalty is two-directional. Marco needs to get a paper-route. Danica needs to go home and cook dinner. Michael should hire drivers on a level of TK if he wants the team to continue to do what it did before, like winning races frequently and winning championships.

"Loyalty? What's that?"

I don't know, Michael. Why don't you go ask Dario Franchitti and Bryan Herta? For an example of it, you can just look at TK...


I wonder if Ganassi's Dario's experience with leaving for greener pastures in the Ganassi organization made Tony think twice about leaving AGR.


Could be, Gary. Those two are super tight, so I'm sure they chatted about the Ganassi life. Can't say it's worked out real well for Dario.

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