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January 02, 2009


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SI...ESPN Ratings. Hilarious! Thank you O great and sarcastic PressDog. Hope to hear you back on LFR soon.


Thank my super-homey Leilani Münter. She wrote the epic tome blowing the lid off ESPN/SI's jealousy of this URL.


Ultra high internet ratings, coverage from ESPN, and an exotic brunette racer singing your praises. A hat trick indeed sir!

I MUST get myself one of these here blog things, pronto! :^)


I've pretty much proven anyone can do it. It's fair to assume Leilani made up the ratings/ESPN coverage part of it. I'm very hip to Leilani's extremely sidepod-worthy, tree-hugging, earth-saving, dolphin-swimming cause. She's got her green schwerve on.


She's got a wicked sense of humor too. I like that in a person!


Good news! After reading this, ESPN went to work to bury open wheel further!!! Now there's no direct link from the NASCAR page. You have to go to "All Sports" and from the flyout select racing. Once you've navigated to that page, you can find out about Danica's speeding ticket...

Nicky Scarfa

Leilani Munter is really on to something here. She's working hard these days and still finds time to exercise her great sense of humor. Good on ya Leilani!

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