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« Deluxe Notes from IndyCar Kansas 2009 | Main | Brian Barnhart Goes on Record with pressdog »

April 28, 2009


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Mike Krapfl

Pressdog: Made my second ever trip to Dollar General yesterday. Bought some more chips, got another code. Hope I'm not the only one supporting the cause.


You're not. I've heard from others. Keep it up.

Roy Hobbson



I consciously eat at McDonalds now instead of say Wendys or BK just because they support the Son of Stache...Fans=Consumers=PDizzle should replace Terry Angstad


Boilerrx -- to quote Helio, "that's what I'm talking abooooouuuuuutttt! Way to be a sponsor love-showing warrior. I'm wiping manly tears over here.


My desktop and laptop are both HP because of their support of Davey Hamilton. (Of course, they are reliable, or I couldn't be so sponsor-minded.) I even skip Staples and hit Office Depot now because I have a soft spot for Tony Stewart. I hit DG, but we don't have those in Cali...

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