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April 21, 2009


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Perfectly stated, Pressdog.

I heard talk of this on the radio the other day when they aired an audio clip...I thought "man, this woman sings like nobody I've ever heard." Didn't catch all the commentary that went along with it, but now I see why there was such a fuss being made.

I'm 100% in agreement with you here, 'dog, on all points. Thank you for posting it.


Wow - I hadn't had time to hear her sing until now. Amazing. Womanly tears flowing here...thanks for sharing, pdog.

The American Mutt

Damn you Pdog. You link to this, the mutt finally watches whilst sick, and cried like a little bitch. Damn you SIR!


Wow. I finally listened. All I can say is -Wow. Thanks for the link.

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