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June 09, 2009


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Pat W

Thanks Pdog, I hope you don't mind me using your name in my post, the coincidences in the message were just too similar to ignore.

I'm stunned you posted it, I was just hoping for a couple of people to listen in and maybe a little comment on my blog while passing through!

Pat W

Of course I meant 'extra listeners'.
I should plug the latest instalment too, which was recorded on the Friday of the Turkish GP:

The Speedgeek

Pat's the man, as is Joe Saward. Pat got me into Sidepodcast just before this season started, and I've been reading Saward for like 10 years on Joe's takes on the F1 paddock on Sideposcast, coming right in the middle of race weekends, are usually one of the best parts of said weekends, along with Speed's qualifying coverage and Speed's Friday practice coverage, where Varsha, Hobbs and Matchett BS about whatever's going on and bust on each other for an hour and a half. If they somehow got Saward to do pit reporting for Speed after Windsor goes off to do his team owner bit next year, my head would probably explode.

Preach on, all of you gents, 'Dog, Pat, Joe. You're the voice of the fans.

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