For just $3.99 per message, Sarah Fisher could be calling your friends in the future.
Sarah recently joined the lineup of Celebrities Call You, a Louisville-based entertainment company owned by CW Multimedia International, Inc. offers consumers the opportunity to send a friend or family member a personalized greeting from their favorite celebrity.
"I want to have Jennifer Aniston call me," laughed Fisher. "This website is so cool! Celebrities Call You has found that niche market for consumers to get a personal touch of the sports and entertainment world. It will be interesting to see how it takes off."
Watch out Hallmark -- bills itself as the environmentally-friendly alternative to sending a greeting card. Consumers can send custom messages for $3.99 from celebrities in the Sports, Music, Film & TV and business industries and wish their friends and family any assortment of personalized greetings from, "Happy Birthday", "Congratulations", "Thinking of You", to "Get Well Soon".
"We are adding celebrities weekly to our site and we are proud to have Sarah Fisher as part of our family," said CEO Chris Webb.