Looks like Bernie Ecclestone's campaign to price his Formula One circus out of as many tracks as possible may claim Germany.
According to reports, the Hockenheim City Council -- a 94 per cent shareholder in the Hockenheimring track -- has voted unanimously to drop the race. Why? Because it's a giant cash sippy hole.
Last year's race at Hockenheimring lost an estimated 6 MEEYUN Euros ($8.4 million). Yikers. Taxpayers wear the frowny face at those kinds of losses to host racing by trillionaires. (Is there actually an F1 race that makes money? Not that I know of.)
Germany actually has two F1 "ring" tracks -- the other being Nurburing -- which take turns hosting their annual race.
Hockenheimring pulling out has Nurburing in a bit of a tizzy at the prospect of delivering a truckload of money to Bernie EVERY year, as opposed to just every other.
Germany is only marginally important to F1, what with Mercedes-Benz and BMW based in Germany AND five German drivers in the series, including the rising star Sebastian Vettel.
Shockingly, faced with the loss of Germany, Bernie says he's willing to talk.