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October 01, 2009


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Travis R

Stating the obvious, this should be the first of many dominoes to fall. I imagine the next 3 weeks will have a lot of F1 driver announcements. I'm particularly interested in hearing from the new teams, especially USF1...

I like Kimi - I hope he ends up with a good team and stays in F1 for a few more years.


I'm sure the Kimster's paid ouster is virtually a done deal or nobody wouldn't have been out there talking about it.

The Speedgeek

I was a tad puzzled by the Speed crew's bagging on Kimi at Singapore as well. I know that Kimi's a tad...recalcitrant, I think is the word, but the way they were talking about him made it sound like he's been cruising around in the mid-field all year. I think I might have actually yelled "Didn't he win a race just three weeks ago, guys?" at my TV at one point. The fact of the matter is, Kimi's still clearly one of the 6-7 fastest guys in the sport on any given day, and if he's in the right mood, you can improve that the the top 2-3. I'd take that guy and put him in my car any day, and not just because of how much I enjoy his post-race interviews.


I don't understand the Kimi Bashing, either,. Yeah, he wasn't good last year, but, he won the champoinship in 07, has won a race this year, in an awful car.

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