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January 26, 2010


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Tom G.

Another USAC driver dreaming of NAPCAR, who doesn't even have Indy on her radar screen. Makes me want to weep.

Great interview P-dog.


good job dog- now I know all about another female rider who may rise to the top- good luck Alison!


Tom G. Hard to blame drivers for keeping the N-word door wide open. When you're selling something (your driving skill) you don't say no to the largest market for it ... ever. Simply waaaaay more jobs and upside in N-word. Stick500 -- Alison has schwerve! One to watch for sure.

Travis R

Like Tom G., I'm a bit bummed with the fact that IndyCar isn't even on her radar, but I think that's more a reflection of the state of IndyCar than a reflection of Allison. A little education and exposure wouldn't hurt, though - somebody needs to walk her through the IMS Hall of Fame and Museum and take her to the 500.

As always, you do a great interview, P-Dog.

Alison Macleod

hey guys, The reason it isnt on my radar is because since i was 14 I have been contracted with Ford with a contract towards NASCAR (who would turn down free money) I have been to a few Indy 500s and Daytona 500s its nothing to do with me not liking indy car

In fact if someone came a long and gave me a ride for it, Im a racecar driver i would DEFINETELY take it!

Its just that the sponsorship money i have had since i was 14 has led me the direction of NASCAR so everything i have done since that age has been to assist myself in working toward the collective goal of NASCAR.

If anyone of you want to pay for me to go to Indy car i will do it!!!!

but at the moment i only have people interested in going to NASCAR so I run what i have money to run!

So dont get me wrong i would love to drive them, but there are about 4 levels below indy car that are used as driver development like f1200,f1600,f2000,and Indy Lights

In the past 10 years USAC has made a direct change from being a stepping stone to Indy to now being a stepping stone to NASCAR (maybe this has something to do with the fact that only the NASCAR guys are putting money back into USAC)

hope that clears things up for you guys!


Like I (and Alison) said, you gotta go where the market for your services is, and it just isn't in open-wheel for talented young drivers these days. I'm sure if teams showed up with cash and were looking to hire drivers, they'd be flooded with applicants. (Insert crickets chirping here.) Not gonna happen any time soon, though. If I were Alison, aside from being much better looking, I'd be doing exactly what she is.

Roy Hobbson

University of Guelph sounds like a hobbit college in Middle Earth. Which is to say, it sounds AWESOME. Right? Anybody? Huh!? Nobody? Hmm. Very well.

I'll be on my way now. Good stuff, Bill. You too, Alison.

Tom G.

Allison & Pressdog,

I didn't mean to imply that I was disappointed in the career decisions you are making. I understand them, and do not fault you for it. I just meant that as an Indycar fan, I lament the current economic situation that leads promising young USAC drivers towards NASCAR, like water running downhill. That makes me sad. Very sad.

Best of Luck


I'm with you, Roy, but in several photos you can clearly see Alison's feet, so she's definitely NOT a Hobbit, ... although she is Canadian.

Mark in Oshawa

Congratulations Alison for your career already. I would love to see you break out in NASCAR. We need Canadians in the sport, and to have a woman be kicking butt and taking names would just be a BONUS.

As for you not going to the IRL, well that is just the way it goes.

Beautiful pictures by the way. You prove once again that you are a racer first, not cheesecake who happens to race. Never go down that road....

Mike Schuder

As I recall,Indy car got rid of USAC for screwing up the scoring one year.

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