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February 24, 2010


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Tom M.

Everyone who is a race fan wants every driver to have the opportunity to drive.

But....if the IRL loses Graham Rahal to NASCAR.....that would be a very bad thing. Period.

I wish him well.


Oy vey.

Mike M

You can't lose a driver you don't have. Didn't Dale Coyn offer him a ride? Sounds to me like this is an attention getter and nothing more.


I could cry

Trick Dickle

Rahal might as well leave. If he wants to race and actually get paid and race against the BEST, he of course will go to NASCAR. Its a no-brainer.

I hope he goes down there and gets aligned with a good team and takes his time with a ARCA to Nationwide to Cup program and becomes a star.

BTW, Graham; tell hi to Robby, Michael, AJ, Danica, Casey, Tony, Kasey, Jason, Ricky, Colin, Justin, Juan and Sam for us. 30 years ago, that would have made a hell of a Indy Car lineup. Too bad Indy Car lost its way to ever make that happen again.

Allen Wedge

Headline should read "Rahal too good for Dale Coyne, but not too good for backmarker NASCAR teams"


I'd agree with that, Wedge. If you are going to be viciously lapped, it's nice to at least get paid.

Tom G.

Bah! Who needs American drivers when we can get guys and gals from Brazil, Venezuela, and Columbia! That's what excites folks and boosts the ratings, fills the seats, and draws in sponsorship!

Look, I get it that things are tough all over and that the owners need paying drivers to make a go of it, but it just stuns me the way this series has gone about running it's business lately. The article in the IBJ yesterday is about as clear eyed of a synopsis as you'll find regarding the business decisions that led Open Wheel to where it is at financially(link here:

But regardless of the decisions that led them to this point, IndyCar needs to realize that if they don't turn things around in the next 2 years they will cease to exist entirely. Do they honestly believe that the way to rebuild the series is having more South Americans and Aussies/Kiwi's race tricycles on street courses? What market research led them to this conclusion? Did they get that idea Bowlby's and Barnes' 10 year olds?

Cripes. Tell Graham to wait up, I may be joining him in Nationbusch/ARCA world.

Mike M

"Rahal might as well leave. If he wants to race and actually get paid and race against the BEST, he of course will go to NASCAR. Its a no-brainer.

I hope he goes down there and gets aligned with a good team and takes his time with a ARCA to Nationwide to Cup program and becomes a star.

BTW, Graham; tell hi to Robby, Michael, AJ, Danica, Casey, Tony, Kasey, Jason, Ricky, Colin, Justin, Juan and Sam for us. 30 years ago, that would have made a hell of a Indy Car lineup. Too bad Indy Car lost its way to ever make that happen again."

Over there in Cupland where we can watch paint dry, or should I say watch the chuck hole being fixed??

You should have taken time to read some of Graham's twitters about NASCAR. He does not like it. And I'm sure NASCAR does not like him anymore then Montoya who had his certain BY 400 victory taken away.

NASCAR's ways of fixing races via green white checkers, competition yellows, lucky dogs and selective enforcement of rules won't agree with Graham. I doubt he's seriously thinking about NASCAR but simply wanting to open eyes and get attention.

And only the best drivers have the gonads to try other diciplines of the sport. Those who never venture outside the controlled racing and polictical drafting agreements of NASCARLAND have yet to prove themselves as the best in my opinion.

Montoya is the best driver in NASCAR. Too sad NASCAR series beats him down.

Tom M.

Hey....I have read graham's Twitters and Pressdog knows my connection to graham. All I am saying is that if the IRL wants to seriously stay in business, they need him and someone at the IRL should be doing something about it. I was unaware of the Coyne deal, but I don't blame him for not taking it. He knows what's best for him and if that means him sitting out a year, so be it. He's not hurting for cash. Trust me on that.

Bill Davis

I've heard that GR has some kind of deal in line for the 2011 season. The proplem is that if he goes to NASCAR for the 2010 season and any kind of success at all, we'll never see him again in OW. I believe that if the ICS cannot keep a young America driver with talent, it's time to close the doors, figure out some way to run the Indy 500 and give up.

Jim Bob

"You should have taken time to read some of Graham's twitters about NASCAR. He does not like it. And I'm sure NASCAR does not like him anymore then Montoya who had his certain BY 400 victory taken away."

Neither did Allmendinger either.

AJ ain't ever coming back, BTW.

If Graham goes, and he can take his time and move his way up the ladder, he'll become a racing star and will "enjoy" NASCAR just fine.

Its much more exciting and more challenging for race drivers then Indy Car anyway.

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