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February 10, 2010


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I think the deal is already done and this is continuing to increase interest and visibility.

Steve Barnes

Meet Dan Wheldon and get some fasjhion advice about your shoes


HAR. Beauty, Steve.

Roy Hobbson

Because a failure to attend will make Jim Nabors angry ... and you don't want to see Jim Nabors angry. He gets all blow-torchy.

Two words: the Snake Pit. (Where wonderous, drunken merriment & hippo knife-fights happen.)

50% off all Buddy Rice merchandise!!!

John Ross Harvey (psudonym(s) pending thanks to some Crime author as my namesake)

10 Ellen will still get to wear running shoes
9 She can also wear pants
8 Someone else is driving
7 Indianapolis is a historical place worth visiting
6 She can kiss the bricks afterwards
5 She can climb the fence
4 She can show off her helmet hair
3 Helio can dance with her
2 She can be taller than Sarah, I think
1 Milk Moustache!

Jay Robinson

We're hoping you might inspire A.J. to finally come out of the closet.

Helio and Ryan Briscoe have a bet on whether or not you can get Roger Penske to laugh, and we'd all like to know what that sounds like.

We'd like to use you and Jack Arute as before and after photos - of what, we're not really sure.

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