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May 15, 2010


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To be fair, I think AA, KV, and NH have a chance at winning.


At least I hope so. After Kansas, I'm worried, though. Going into the 500 with either Ganassi or Penske almost certain of victory isn't much fun at all, even NASCAR or F1 has more teams capable of winning. With a little luck though, NH, KV, and AA could be fast. Hopefully the Big Two will be taken down. It really needs to be better than last year, at least.

Jim Bob

AA has a couple of cars and drivers that can possibly win.

KV has the cars, but don't have the drivers.

NH is on the way down and doesn't have the driver anyway.

Brian McKay

I agree that AA has drivers that can win this. You don't think KVRT's Tracy could win?

Mike R

If the car is right, PT can absolutely win the race...but that's the question as always, isn't it? I'd put Paul wheel-to-wheel with any driver in the series in equal equipment and would NOT bet against him.


F1 had two-car battles in the late 1980s and these weren't boring at all. Senna and Prost didn't need throwable spikes, oil leaks or arcade pickup to give the show of the weekend.

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