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August 05, 2010


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Leigh O'Gorman

It is a very good story and shows a side of the drivers that is rarely seen.

Mike Hare

Weeping only manly tears, of course. Both Webber and Power are easy to like but that is a great story and says a lot about their character.


As if I didn't love Mark enough already. That's awesome and it's another reason I'll be perfectly content if Will continues to run away with the series championship.

Leigh O'Gorman

I think the best thing about the deal is that Power himself may (hopefully) get to pass on the same help to another promising driver eventually.

Shane Rogers

That World Series by Renault drive was also funded by the Australian Motor Sport Foundation ( Mark Webber is the patron of that organisation (sic).

Didn't help as much as Webber's half a mil, but my $100 donation went a long way, don't you think? :)


a driver has to come up with half a million or more to get a seat in the Renault series?


Redd, WSR is a pretty top tier F1 development series. It only gets more expensive with the move up to GP2.

Leigh, awesome link. That article was a great read.

Steelers jerseys

a driver has to come up with half a million or more to get a seat in the Renault series?

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