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« The Rise of Twitter in IndyCar Part III — The Newest Weapon in the PR Arsenal | Main | The Rise of Twitter in IndyCar Part V — Followers Lead the Way »

January 06, 2011


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So does this mean I can't have my massive staff doing my tweets for me? Damn!

Great series, p-dog!


Enjoyed reading your blogs on Twitter. I agree with Hannah's comments that the fans want to see drivers' personalities. In fact, I've become a fan of Ryan Briscoe because I got to see more of his personality through Twitter. I follow most of the drivers, but I don't follow Scott Dixon, because he doesn't personally tweet. On the other hand, to the best of my knowledge, all of the other drivers maintain their own Twitter accounts.


here is the thing , twit is a childish thing , etch a sketch . would you teach your children to read and write from bottom to top ? a might big thought !!!


Still really enjoying this series. Again, very nice work.

I’ll say this: there are drivers I find myself disappointed they don’t tweet more, which I think speaks well of Twitter as a social media tool. For every Pippa or Graham Rahal or Scheckter, there’s a number of drivers who only tweet sporadically, if at all. Hopefully, those that aren’t on there right now end up getting on the bandwagon. You get used to getting these little glimpses and occasional back-and-forths with your favorite drivers, which is something most fans only a few years ago could have never hoped for. It’s really become a prime source for news, catching up, and getting idea who your favorite drivers are out of the car.


Pdog, this is an amazing series - thanks for putting in the time. A definite case study. Twitter owes you. :p

One of the most enjoyable things about Twitter is the ability to tweetcast events or happenings and to follow along as others do. I still vividly remember my enjoyment a couple years ago as Tony Kanaan took all his followers along with him on his trip to the Indiana State Fair. Hilarious photos of TK in wacky hats, with powdered sugar from his funnel cake all over his face, and the narrative was great comedy. TK completely gets the power of the medium and how to use it to connect. Would love to see the IndyCar series lead the way as an example of how professional sports connect with their fans.


You mean some of the drivers don't actually tweet for themselves? Gosh, I just figured Scott Dixon always spoke in third person.

Pat W

Great series of posts, Pdog. Everything you say is true. Firing up my Twitter client (Tweetdeck) is frequently one of the first things I do when I get home from work, I scroll through the last hundred tweets to see the latest news and posts from media and bloggers, and the chatter/banter among fellow fans. Just the latter point alone is reason enough for any racing fan to sign up, let alone the brilliant insider stuff. I've had great discussions with fellow fans.

We have it pretty good now, there are so many team/driver/media/insider tweeters I now make uses of the Lists function to keep up with several of them, rather than follow them directly which can fill up the main feed - and that's with some notable names not having joined yet.

On Bash's point, IndyCar as a whole *already* leads the way. I knew Twitter had arrived in the mainstream when even the insular and aloof F1 teams started doing it towards the latter end of 2009. Everyone was amazed at the access - apart from those of us who had seen the same revolution many months earlier in IndyCar (although - it was still cool). IndyCar teams had a clear headstart on Twitter, compared to other racing series at least.

I love that during F1 races when Vettel does well, you've got @Newman_Haas tweeting during the race about how his engineer Rocky worked for them a few years ago - they always seem really pleased when he wins. Those kind of connections you just wouldn't know about without Twitter.

(I watch) @toomuchracing

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