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February 18, 2011


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Ahhh SPEED, how you SO love to sacrifice accuracy and reportage for speed and drama.

You're the TMZ of the racing community.


Are we entirely sure the events in Madison are not related to this news?

redd carr

Hilarious and right on point, Dog. Robin Miller must be sealing his windows with duct tape and using prepaid phones he's so paranoid.


hahahaha. Thanks for the chortle, Zachary. I think there MIGHT be a connection there, now that you mention it.

The Speedgeek

Yeah, I enjoyed how the front page headline and the caption on Tony's picture both indicate that there could be "big changes" afoot for Randy Bernard's role in IndyCar, but then the actual article declines to even theorize on A) what those changes might/could be and B) how those changes could even be implemented, given that Tony is but 1 vote of 8 on the H&C board (though some folks are saying that those other three new guys are Tony's buds, so maybe he's like 4 of 8, but who knows at this point?).

This one is going to take quite a bit of time to digest and see how it plays out. I guess that's not much fun to say on Twitter on in panic-y blog posts, though. So, as you were, Chicken Little Blogger-types.


Oh yes. THIS. A giant FUCK YOU to unsubstantiated, groundless hysteria, which I'll always support.

You've done the Lord's work here today, Bill. And also the Indiana National Guard's as well, probably.


Channeling my inner apocalypse now...this scared the hell out of the natives. Next up, arc a races at ims because citgo will pay off the mortgage for the F1 modifications.

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