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November 02, 2011


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The Speedgeek

Um, wha? And furthermore, wwwwhhhhaaaaa?


I did NOT see that coming. I thought Ed at Sarah Fisher Racing with Fuzzy's taking the place of Dollar General. Happy for Ed, but ... nutty.

Savage Henry

Where does this leave SFR, especially without the Dollar General sponsorship? I kind of figured that SFR had a silent partner in Vision Racing. It seems that Vision Racing has now come back from the abyss. Will we see SFR on the grid next year?

Titus Pullo

What great synergy! Alcohol and driving fast go together real well.


Hello, I'm Tony George...


Titus - You mean like all those years Budweiser was a sponsor for then for Newman/Haas? Or perhaps when Jim Beam was the sponsor for Dan Wheldon when he won Indy in 2005? Or the MGD car of Bobby Rahal?

Alcohol has a long history with sponsoring auto racing. Hell, I wish they'd bring back the tobacco money. Stupid law suits.


I see a marketing opportunity for some enterprising IndyCar team: Tito's Vodka, made in Austin Texas. Micro distilled six times, best I've had yet.

Two vodka brands dueling it out on a race track.

As for Ed jumping into a "new" team? Is it a rebranded Vision thing? With economics the way they are I would even welcome Tony back into the sport if it means keeping the series going. Some sacrifices hurt more then others.

Brian McKay

I couldn't win a race in five years in stepdaddy's team, but Sarah Fisher Racing gave me a job and helped me to victory lane. So,... I ought to leave Sarah Fisher Racing and ... try to assemble an entirely new IndyCar team, and ... have all the headaches of bottom-feeding team ownership ... while I'm not good on natural-terrain road courses and street courses ...

Chris Lukens

Dosen't Ed's one win as a driver still gives him one more than Chip Gannasi as a driver?
Good luck to Ed.
And I think Sarah will be fine. She seems to know how to go out and round up sponsership.

Mike R

Brian McKay hit the nail on the head. Regardless of what Chip did...Chip also had dump-truck loads of money going in (family ties) and started his ownership venture in a partnership with a pretty successful team owner named Pat Patrick.

I cannot imagine this is happening without TG in the background somewhere. Doesn't compute without that exponent involved.

I HOPE SFR/Sarah will be fine...


I'd like to see Sarah pick up Katherine Legge. Not literally...

Jim Will Key

Katherine Legge is horrible. If she didn't have mams, she would have never ever stepped foot in a racecar.

I'd like to see Sarah pick up a driver who can actually race. Preferably one, who was born in this country.


Except Ed hired Derrick Walker to run the team. That's not so stupid and points to a desire to do something other than ride around in the back.

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