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« IndyCar Scehdule: A Festival of Despondency | Main | Give Thanks for What You Have by Supporting Carey Hall »

December 27, 2011


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Thanks for the laughs, I had a great ride!

Lets do most of it again in 2012.

Mike R

Just read through your list, haven't any time (right now) to go re-read the actual posts...but I can say from memory that your memorial to Dan Wheldon was most certainly NOT weak. It touched the very essence of why he was so popular and why it was so extremely devastating to all of the racing community when he died.
Humility prevents you from taking the credit you deserve. But from my perspective it was still the best tribute I had read in the wake of that tragic day.

Mike (15daysinmay)

Great year for you, Pdog. Looking forward to re-reading your race reports as they always got my week started off with a laugh.


I'm a little bummed about you not putting the death of and the birth of the shitty ap feed excuse of a website called nbcsports. I mean we lost some good writers to that. Hobbson..mynameisirl.

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