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« Uncle pressdog's Fireside Chat -- Milwaukee Post-Race Edition | Main | IndyCar Weekend Viewing Guide »

June 18, 2012


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Ok Pressdog, I am now a Legge man! Wonderful interview.

Ron Ford

Excellent interview. Nicely done Dog.

FYI. As you ponder your choice of beer for the race, you may consider ChiCha, a corn based craft beer brewed by Dogfish Head Brewery. (Delaware, I believe) As an alternative, you can soak your corn in beer before grilling it. A festival of yummyness!


Thanks, Pressdog, I really enjoy your interviews.


Great interview! Always been a fan of Katherine's, this interview just reinforcing that after her rough year this year. Here's hoping next year will be a strong one!


Great interview, Pdog! I've found Katherine to be one of the most humble and down-to-earth drivers in the paddock and that makes her very approachable. Fans really take to that!

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