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June 30, 2013


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Question for discussion. Since Ashley is winning in this lessor series, should she try to move up into a top series, course then the issue might be that she wouldn't be winning anymore, although what if she did? So for all drivers, If you're winning in a lessor series and having fun, do you take the risk if offered, to jump into a higher more competitive series for the prestige of it, which most drivers usually want for their goal and career? However few females who win in lessor series and somehow get into a top series rarely have any major success. Therefore we could argue its risk vs reward but for most, they would probably try the top series if offered to them? Good luck to her.


Vern: that's a complex question. Depends upon the individual AND the opportunity. Knowing Ashley, she would gladly move up since she's driven to go as far as she can go in racing. BUT since all teams are far from equal, the biggest challenge in my view is for any driver to analyze the quality of the team they'd be connected to in the higher series. Sometimes taking any ride with any team just to be on the grid will actually set your career back.


Good job! Madison Snow made a mockery of the GT3 race at COTA during the Aussie V8 weekend, seems like beating him is damn impressive.

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