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« Ashley Freiberg Wins at Watkins Glen | Main | NASCAR Continues to be Environmentally and Marketing Smart »

July 01, 2013


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This topic kind of fits in my comments regarding Ashley below. Bia also has won is lessor series and now struggling in the top series of Indycar to even get a Ft ride let alone have any real success. therefore what are her options as she isn't alone in this world of auto racing where few females get Ft rides let alone have any measurable success. I guess we could say Bia's story and others only document the struggles of females in this male dominated series as its always been. I think Bia per her few races and results is better then Simona at times, esp on ovals. Oh well Good Luck to her as she has had some good chances driving for AA a few times who appears to be dominating these days, and still she hasn't had much success or results, course if she had a FT ride who knows how good she might be?

Don Holmquist

Bia deserves a full time ride in Indy Car. Hopefully that will happen !!

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