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September 04, 2013


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Next stop for Danica: Celebrity Master Chef with Gordon Ramsay. (Can you say, "Hello, wall?")


I heard she only won because her opponents ran out of gas (in their grills). ;)


For anybody that missed it and wants to see it, the episode called "Sports Stars" will air again on Thursday Sept 12th at (pm and then again at Midnight EDT.
My DVR is already set!!


"Downer George" will point out of course she's thrilled with the title; It's the first and only competitive one she's got!

Using "Fumble" for Tiki's failure is more apropos to how his career with the NYG's began then you may realize, not to mention the cloud he left the team under.


Tony Kanaan is not surprised Danica won a competition called "Chopped"... (see Texas 2011)


Beer spew. TK vs. Danica at Texas 2011 was one of the most amazing MF-ing IndyCar knife fights I have ever seen ... and Danica came out on top.

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