I got 43 minutes before the day job starts to muse on all things Daytona weekend. Pull up some super dark roast and … go.
Dale June-yer – Dale Earnhardt Jr. won. So there’s that. Insert spasms around the Internets plus momentary brown-outs of Twitter. Dale has legions of fans … “Junior Nation” … so I feel good for them. It's a win that probably launched 12,012 tattoos.
It’s hard not to like Dale, frankly. The guy rarely pisses on other people, especially by race car driver standards. I know Jr. is popular, as evidenced by my not living in a cave, but I haven't studied very closely the origins of said popularity. I think the whole blue-collar guy thing is in there, which, as the son of an auto mechanic, I appreciate a lot. How much of his fandom is due to his late father, Dale Sr., is hard to say.
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