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August 24, 2014


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It's a great idea to promote motorsport through science (and viceversa). But IndyCar is rather spec (as in one-make chassis and tyres), so that doesn't help.

IndyCar seems to try to become massive again. And masses don't really care about how technology works, but what it can do. Cars that run at 200 mph for hours is old stuff.

So they prefer to promote the drivers and their personalities. It's what masses prefer.


Not sure this is a new idea...JR HILDEBRAND has been pursuing efforts like this for a while now, having given lectures to students in various LA high schools, Cal state colleges and MIT.


I am not sure if it still exists, but I do know Indycar had a STEM education program called "Future of Fast" that debuted and operated during the 2013 season.

I know I saw several dozen students at both the Texas and Houston races last year participating in the program (touring the pits, getting an in-depth examination of a show car, and talking with a few drivers and crew members) and I believe I saw a group of students doing something similar this year at Houston.

Not quite at the level you are proposing, but it was/is something.


There have been many smaller efforts in most forms of motorsport -- it's the ones that go above and beyond that are going to make an impact. We need to do more, inspire more, and support more. We need to give this movement a face and the type of reach that penetrates not only the sport itself, but the entertainment world as well.

There have been many great initiatives and efforts for this, but nothing that was given everything it needed to flourish.

Frank Nance

It needs a face of a strong driver. One with experience and who has won championships with out that it is just a pr stunt! That is why it has failed in the past no credible driver has ever supported it. Get someone like Chaves or Karam and Ganasi or Penske behind it. It will go. It will never be successful with someone who isn't a known driver and has never competed at a professional level.

Just my opinion.

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