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« IndyCar at Fontana – The Morning After | Main | The New NASCAR Chase Qualification Format is Working »

September 01, 2014


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Danica is learning....and improving....and if she and her team are as focused as they seem....soon she'll be a winner.

She has talent, and slowly it's beginning to appear.

I know you can't compare open wheel with stock cars.....but as in IndyCar the faster the track the better she does.

With how well she does for sponsors and the series off the track...let her win and you'll see TV numbers go up a on it!!


Danica had a good day, and it was her most impressive NASCAR race to date. Yeah, what Indycar needed was some cautions. Like you, I dislike phantom cautions, but the 3 500 mile Indycar races this year have made me at least understand why NASCAR does them. Also NASCAR needs to shorten their races. Its one of the things Indycar has (or had) right with the faster, 300 mile oval races. They were done in a reasonable amount of time, rather than taking over 3 hours. The road and street coures also typically finish fairly quickly.


Good race for Danica finally with her 6th place finish as she fought hard all day. However following her at SHR with this old foggy Gibson as a CC hes worthless most the time if you haven't noticed ALL her bad cars during most other races so cheering for a couple good races Kansas & now Atlanta is a rare thing long as Gibson is her CC.

For those who don't know Gibsons only success was in 2001 when Gordon won a championship & many yrs before that when Kawicke (sp) won a championship --BUT-- Gibson was NOT a CC then, just a chief mechanic. Gibsons AS a CC has 3 wins total out of 11 yrs AS a CC before Danica, & those 3 wins were with Ryan Newman & Newman once called him the worst CC ever & couldn't wait to get rid of him. Gibson bragging about his past 15-20 yrs ago is because he has nothing in the present to bragg about as he is apparently lost with these newer cars & Nascars setup changes. We can debate despite Danica learning these cup cars now in her 2nd FT yr in cup, Danica is showing she can drive to a good result--BUT- ONLY when Gibson can give her a good car for the races & thats not often as Danicas results show most the time. Good result Sunday but how long now till she gets another good car & good result--???

Robert Black

I can understand IndyCar wanting to get their season done at this point in the year. Saturday night, even some die-hard Indy fans I know back in the Midwest were grumbling on Facebook about having to choose between the Fontana race and the start of college football.

I keep hearing that IndyCar wants to do an overseas "mini-season" in the late winter and early spring, to get themselves out of hibernation sooner. Do you think that's really going to happen?

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